Preparation and implementation of Tree Protection Plans (TPP’s) for development projects; diagnosis and treatment of tree disorders; pathogen prevention (e.g., accredited by California Oak Mortality Task Force [COMTF] to recognize Sudden Oak Death disease and safeguard valuable oak trees using the latest prescriptions); proper planting and maintenance; structural enhancement and corrective pruning; tree evaluation, health & hazard assessments, reporting, removal permits and mitigation.
Fuel & Vegetation Management
Programs designed to protect your property from wildfire concerns and threats in accordance with fire department guidelines (creating “defensible space zones”) while maintaining and improving the natural habitat.
Invasive Plant Management
Comprehensive and integrated programs to contain, control and eliminate habitat degrading, highly combustible, non-native noxious weed populations from your landscape using the latest and most effective methods, materials and prescriptions.
(Left) A healthy, well managed oak woodland habitat composed of several native species. (Right) An overgrown, non-native weed infested woodland with high wildfire hazard fuel loads resulting from past disturbance, neglect and poor management.
Green Landscaping
Creating environmentally friendly and sustainable landscapes using aesthetically pleasing, water efficient indigenous plants and natural materials that compliment and support nearby native habitats and vegetation communities.
Equestrian and Livestock Grazing & Rangeland Management
Maintain, improve and enhance pastures, grassland and woodland vegetation communities with properly timed and implemented grazing programs that promote native grasses and wildflowers, suppress exotic invasive broadleaf weeds, reduce wildland fire vegetation fuel loads, protect sensitive wildlife habitat and aquatic resources, minimize soil erosion and pollutant runoff, and enhance landscape aesthetics.
A well-managed, sustainable cattle ranch in a wildland environment ecosystem.
Soil Erosion & Sedimentation Control
Storm water management and erosion control for small and large scale development projects (e.g., Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans), Best Management Practices, Low Impact Development standards, drainage improvements, and slope and channel stabilization that prevent erosion problems, sediment runoff and transporting of harmful pollutants to aquatic resources.
Habitat Protection & Restoration
Programs designed to protect, maintain and improve the health, function and appearance of your natural surroundings, wildlife habitat and ecological resources.
Environmental Assessments, Permits, Compliance Monitoring & Remediation
Performs thorough and comprehensive ecological assessments, evaluations, baseline surveys and reporting. Additionally, TWM assists with environmental permits, and conducts remediation services and compliance monitoring. "ese matters (e.g., habitat protection, erosion control, tree protection, restoration) are managed promptly and professionally through the duration of your project.
Water Quality & Streamflow Monitoring
TWM will assess, test, document and protect your valuableand sensitive aquatic resources and habitat.
A healthy oak woodland and grassland habitat consisting of native grasses resulting from pro-active land stewardship and effective resource management practices.